Monday, December 9, 2013

The Artistic Climb

As the year begins to wind down, I spend much time reflecting on the decisions I have made and the projects I have accomplished this year. I review my list of goals for the year and actively prepare for next year's master plan. Amidst all this pondering and preparing I stop and ask myself, do I know what I am doing?  Now, every artist feels like this. I know because these are the causal conversations that come up in the holding room as you wait patiently for your two minutes to shine in the audition room. As an entertainer you work so hard to achieve your dreams - These grand visions you've had in your brain since childhood. These dreams that everyone tells you is slim to none that you know without a doubt you will achieve. As a child, I would cut out the faces of boxes then sit in them and pretend I was on television. I even drew knobs on the side so I could be on every channel.  Ohhhh, the artistic climb is such a struggle. It's an everyday hustle as you balance building a career and maintaining money for rent and bills.

However, what keeps me going is the belief that one day I will make it. I look at people like Jay Z, Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey,  Patti Labelle and Beyonce and I say if they could achieve so much starting from nothing and work their way to the top, so can I. Most importantly I look at my students. One day I want to teach in college and help young artists find their path.  I want to tell them of my own artistic climb and the zeal it took to achieve my goals. I want to know that the little girl who sat in the"box televisions" actually made it to the real screen.

Like everything else in life one must be willing to sacrifice, remain focus and work hard. This profession is a challenging climb because you have know idea what exact steps to take. However, I suppose that's what makes this life so exciting. As the saying goes, anything worth having is worth fighting for. So, in the words of our dear departed Nelson Mandela, " There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than one you are capable of living." I am capable of achieving my goals and living an a amazing life. True it is a hustle and many times I feel like giving up.  Nevertheless, I didn't choose this path, this path chose me. So here is to my success and the success of everyone else struggling through the artistic climb.  We are all meant to shine!.

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